Browsing: Training


CrossFit for Athletes

It’s the hottest trend at the gym right now. Is this military-style workout right for you? It will definitely make you sweat, possibly make you collapse in exhaustion, and maybe even make you weep. Its unofficial mascot is “Pukie the…


Powering through Powder

Racing the Kahtoola Bigfoot Snowshoe Festival Suffering from race withdrawal and cabin fever in the cold winter months? Battle it by signing up for the Kahtoola Bigfoot Snowshoe Festival. Scheduled on January 25, 2014, this unique race was founded and…


Running Far

Utah’s Growing Ultra Scene Pheidippides, the famed Marathon runner, was also the world’s first recorded ultrarunner. The often overlooked and dubious tale told by Herodotus claims Pheidippides ran from Athens to Sparta, finishing the day before his Marathon run. If…


Do You Need A Coach?

6 Reasons the Answer is Yes Employing an expert to help you train smarter isn’t just for Olympic athletes—it can benefit anyone. Most of us are leading busy, goal-driven lives, and if athletic achievement is on your to-do list…


Open Water 101

By Josh Green If you’ve ever thought “I could do atriathlon…if I didn’t have to swim,” you’re not alone! The swim causes more anxiety and keeps more potential triathletes from trying the sport than either the bike or run. When…


Teach Your Kids to Ski

(Without Going Crazy) 11 Tips to Make It Easier Taking your kids skiing means one of two things, you’re either going to have a super fun day bonding with your child (not likely) or you’re going to lose your…

Training running gear

Coming Back from Running Injuries

If any of the warning signs for impending injury appear, take action immediately to minimize the damage, and begin self-treatment right away. Here’s where most runners mess up—they wait for the injury to heal on its own by stopping training…


Racing Tactics and Strategies

For the 10K and Half Marathon By Roy Stevenson You’re waiting behind the start line, your legs twitching nervously, just wanting to get going. Bang! The gun goes off. Will you cross the finish line elated that you’ve run your…