Hey Dude!
Getting Ranchy in the Colorado Rockies It’s a place where doors are left unlocked and strangers say ‘howdy’ as you walk by. Horses are the primary mode of transportation, and people gather for dinner at the sound of a bell.…
Getting Ranchy in the Colorado Rockies It’s a place where doors are left unlocked and strangers say ‘howdy’ as you walk by. Horses are the primary mode of transportation, and people gather for dinner at the sound of a bell.…
Adventures in the Grand Canyon I fancy myself a world traveler, but as they say, you never visit the giant, gaping hole in your own backyard. I have been to more than 40 countries and countless destinations in the States.…
Over six kilometers into a 10K race, the course banks right as I follow the leading runners into an open side gate at the famed Hershey amusement park. If it weren’t for the collective of enthusiastic volunteers banging clappers together…
Pro cyclists travel from around the world to compete in the Tour de Utah, but even if you’re not a pro, you can get in on the action at the The Ultimate Challenge, one of North America’s most challenging, non-competitive…
Expect to suffer a bit as you run, bike, run, bike through trees, water, sand, and mud at this lap course for a total of 6.2 miles of running and 20 miles of biking. Relay teams welcome. Race held Saturday,…
The Deseret News Classic is Utah’s oldest road race, and it’s held in the pre-dawn hours every July 24. Start your Pioneer Day day of right by running the marathon, half marathon, 10K, or 5K then stick around after to…
Forget early morning racing and stay up late instead for this nighttime run that begins at the stroke of midnight and is lit by a full moon. Run a half marathon, 10K, or 5K on either Provo’s River Trail System…
Ever feel disadvantaged on race day with your jogging stroller? This run is for you! Bring your chariot and your kiddos to this 5K and 10K race on Saturday, June 21, 2014 that caters to stroller pushers and awards them…
Triathletes love this race because it offers an open-water swim course without a long drive from the Salt Lake Valley. The swim is in Daybreak’s Oquirrh Lake, next is a bike ride to Kennecott and back, followed by a run…