Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine


Race Day Gear Favorites

Race Day Gear Favorites By Jenny Willden Stop running in old, beat up sweats! Instead, try out some new gear! Here’s are our picks of the best pieces for your next race. Julbo Trail Glasses Check out these sleek, light…

What's Hot Salomon RX Recovery Shoes

Recovery Shoes

By Jenny Willden Be it running, biking or hiking, any leg-dominant activity can wreak havoc on your lower body, leaving you with tight, overworked leg and foot muscles. Recovery shoes, while not an entirely new concept in footwear, are currently…

Cycling iBike Dash Cycling Computer

iBike Dash Cycling Computer

It’s hard to sort through the never-ending technological options that greet us in every magazine, with every click of a mouse and in the onslaught of media which fuels our need for more, more, more. Athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, however,…

Health & Nutrition Marathon

Recovering from a Marathon

By Roy Stevenson Your body is a war zone after a marathon. Research shows that up to 25% of marathon finishers get sick within a few weeks of completing a marathon. So your goal is to get back in good…

Trailsides Sean Zimmerman-Wall

Tri Me:

A Foray Into Multi-discipline Racing By Sean Zimmerman-Wall The pain starts in my lower right abdomen and slowly proceeds into my right arm; eventually my entire torso is on fire. My body screams at me to pull my cap off…

Gear Women's Cycling Gear

Cycling & Running Must-Haves

By Jenny Willden You’re a competitor, and when it comes to performing your best, what you wear is just as important as your training regiment. While I can’t promise these feature-packed items will help you set a PR in your…

Running Barefoot Running

Natural Born Runners

Is Running Without Running Shoes For You? We Give you the Facts. It’s a tough world out there for a runner’s feet. Slamming against the ground dozens of times a minute, flying over all kinds of obstacles, chafing and swelling…

Featured Events Pink Series 5k and Half Marathon

Battles to Brag About

Unique Races for Every Athlete By Rebecca Petersen Photos Courtesy of the Pink Series, Moonlight Half Marathon, Utah Santa Runs, The Dirty Dash and Warrior Dash It’s that time of year again. When you plunk down your money, count back…

The Bookshelf Racing Weight Quick Start Guide


Racing Weight Quick Start Guide By Matt Fitzgerald Planning to compete in a race this spring or summer, but have a few extra pounds to lose first? This is the book for you! Author, endurance sports coach and sports nutritionist,…

Event Spotlights Dirty Girl Run

Dirty Girl Run

Kick off your heels and get dirty at this four-mile mud run and obstacle course at Wheeler Farm on Saturday, July 2 at 8:30 a.m. Boys need not apply…this fun run is for ladies only! If you’re a speed junkie,…

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