Temperatures are heating up across Utah, so find a shady spot and flip through this issue of Outdoor Sports Guide for ways to stay cool. Try R2ing (an adventurous style of whitewater rafting) (pg. 16), biking in the Wasatch mountains (pg. 14), and dining on a shaded patio (pg. 22). You’ll also get tips on cleaning your gear (pg. 8) and learn why shopping local matters (pg. 10).
For more stories, like Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@osportsguidemag). Then you’ll be entered to win race entries, restaurant gift cards, and gear! Plus, followers are the first to know about outdoor news, new races, and upcoming summer events. Enjoy!
Jenny Willden
Comments, feedback or complaints? Email editor@sportsguidemag.com send mail to 772 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106.