Combining Indoor and Outdoor Activities This Fall


Fall marks a transition away from all things summer. It’s gradual at first. The mornings get a little colder, but the days are still warm. As the temperature dips, activities slowly start to go from outdoor to indoor. However, a temperature dip doesn’t mean you can’t continue to indulge in many of your favorite outdoor activities as well.

In truth, many activities can be done all year round. Some things may be more difficult to do in the wintertime with extremely low temperatures and snow on the ground. That’s all the more reason to get your last bit of those activities in during the fall. However, after you’re done with your outdoor activity, mix it together with an indoor one. These activities can help to offset the cold and bring the family together.

Camping/Family Game Night

Camping may seem like a summer activity to some, but really it’s an activity that works for every season. Camping is great because it plops you down in the middle of the outdoors and makes it easy to spend each day outside. In the fall, those outdoor activities can mean hiking, biking, going off-roading, fishing, or just exploring. Camping is also a great activity to do with kids of any age, though you’ll want to plan for everything on a camping vacation with young kids. Bring plenty of activities, plan for stops, and be sure you have emergency supplies. Not only will you have plenty of options for fun outdoor activities, you’ll also enjoy camp areas that are not nearly as busy as they are in the summer.

Combine outdoorsy camping with an indoorsy game night to bring the family together and stay warm. This allows family members to break up during the day to get out and enjoy the last few months of certain outdoor activities before the snow hits and then meet up for family time at night. Whether you’re staying in a tent, RV, or a cabin, there are easy and fun games everyone can play. There are card games, board games, or even games to play that don’t require anything except willing participants.

Water Sports/Scary Movie Night

Depending on your location, many water sports are not just summer activities. There are plenty of surprising winter activities that include the water, though the frigid temperatures make winter water enthusiasts few and far between. While the temperature is still bearable and the lakes aren’t frozen, take this fall to spend your last few months on the water. Go boating, fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, or even swimming. Just be sure you’re taking plenty of precautions while you’re wet and cold. At the end of the season, be sure to weatherize and store your boat safely. In the meantime, get as many water sports in while you can. Just like camping, you’ll barely have any crowds to deal with.

After spending the day on the water, combine this outdoor activity with an indoor Halloween movie night. Cuddle under the blankets and get warm after spending a day in the water. Jaws is a great scary movie to combine both horror and water, but the Halloween movie options are seemingly endless.

Hiking/Leaf Collecting

Hiking in the fall has a certain majesty to it. The temperatures being a bit colder can make the hike a lot easier as your body temperature rises. Not only that, but the leaves changing makes for scenery that is breathtaking to hike or even drive through. In Utah especially, there are plenty of beautiful hikes to take this fall. The great things about hiking is that it’s an activity that the whole family can take part in.

While you’re hiking, keep an eye out for any pretty leaves. Bring a notebook and put the leaf in the notebook for safekeeping until your hike is done and you can make a leaf collection from the leaves you’ve gathered. In addition to this being a great indoor/outdoor activity, it’s also one that kids and grandparents can easily take part in depending on the hiking difficulty. Activities like these are enriching for kids and grandparents and can help strengthen their bond.


Cycling is one of those activities that can be done all year round depending on the type of terrain you’re looking to ride. For fall cycling, the weather might be a bit colder but the ride is still amazing. Not only is cycling great for your health, but there are also plenty of great fall cycle trails that will highlight the beauty of Utah. You can make it a short day or a full day of riding. At the end of it all, you can come back home and partake in an amazing fall indoor activity: baking. There’s really no better way to end a brisk day of cycling than with a freshly baked pumpkin cookie, zucchini bread, or even a Betty Crocker brownie made from the box.

Running/Reading by the Fire

For those who love running, they know it’s an activity that can be done all year long. However, just because it can be done doesn’t mean it’s always a great time. For many runners, the tennis shoes get moved to the gym over the winter months to avoid the snow. Which is fine — staying active in the winter is important no matter how you go about doing it. However, the fall season is a great time to get in those last few outdoor runs before the winter moves running to the treadmill. This is great because the fall is a great time to take part in some fun fall bucket list items — like taking part in a themed Halloween run. It’s great for you or the whole family to dress up and have a run in the brisk air before winter hits.

After your run, there’s nothing like resting your feet by reading in front of the fire. This is a great indoor/outdoor pairing for you and the whole family. Grab a snack and a fuzzy blanket and make a nest in front of the fire. Read a book to the kids, find a novel, or read the news as you warm up and rest your feet after an autumn run.

Each season has something special about it. For many people, fall is their very favorite season. The colored leaves beautiful, the temperatures are a little more bearable, and pumpkin spice everything becomes the norm. For others, fall marks a goodbye to many of their favorite outdoor activities. For some, it’s the mark of some rad winter activities on the horizon. No matter which person you are, fall can be an indoor/outdoor transition. However, it can be fun to combine the best of the fall outdoor activities with the warmth of indoor activities while you can.


About Author

Chelsy is a writer from Montana who is now living in Boise, Idaho. She graduated with her journalism degree from the University of Montana in 2012. When she isn’t writing she spends her time riding her bike, throwing a Frisbee for her dog, and exploring the outdoors in Boise.

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